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"I am excited to go Chapter Camping, because I am looking forward to a retreat that allows me to further my faith in God. Becoming a leader this year has been incredible, but it had its challenges. I look forward gaining an abundance of knowledge of how to lead and grow, not only spiritually, but also growing a bond with my chapter."
– 2022 Chapter Camp Student

The quote above is directly from a student who is about to attend Chapter Camp for the first time. That is significant not only for the student but for us as staff because this marks the first time in 3 years that we have held an in-person Chapter Camp! This is truly something to be celebrated!

Hands down, Chapter Camp is one of the most formative weeks for our students. When students leave behind the familiarity and noise of their day-to-day lives to enter a beautiful retreat space with the specific purpose of encountering God through His word and His people – amazing things happen.

Next week I leave for a Young Life camp in Minnesota where we will be hosting week 2 of Chapter Camp. See photo below for the beauty of this location.


In preparation for Chapter Camp, I built the registration/recruitment website used across our region (see screenshot below) and also designed digital and print marketing materials (such as the "What could God do..." image at top meant for Instagram).

While I'm at Chapter Camp next week I will be creating a new library of video footage with a special emphasis on hearing student testimonies.


Pray for Chapter Camp!

  • Pray that we will be able to run 5 separate weeks of in-person Chapter Camp.
  • Pray for new traditions to start!  Most of the students on campus today have never been to a Chapter Camp (or even a weekend conference) as they started as freshman during Covid.
  • Pray for COVID concerns: Many staff and students still have concerns about being in a camp setting and the risks that come with that.
  • Pray that this week would be life-changing for students – either trusting Christ for the first time or being reinvigorated to serve him on campus.
  • Pray that I will be able to capture meaningful moments on video and that students would be open to sharing how God is at work in their lives.
  • Pray for a special measure of grace for my wife Lauren who will be on her own for a week with our five kids! 
Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support – my heart is grateful!
Give to the ministry of Joel Rodeheaver
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