Chapter camp reminded me that God loves me so much and that I do not have to worry about what others think of me. Mallorie
I learned that even though I hated the emotional side of me that cries every time I try to speak about it, God loves that side of me and is going to use that to draw others closer to me. And that was just a truly beautiful realization I had at chapter camp this year.Rachel
It's the relationships. Yes, going to chapter camp is about growing in your spiritual walk but I think for me that was really done through being in community with the body of Christ. Learning together, laughing together, growing together, praying together, living together, sharing together is far more important than any one teaching.Abigail
Chapter Camp was such a blessing to my faith. I learned that prayer is so important and not only once every once and awhile but continually. There are so many ways to pray and I learned that this week at prayer meetings. If you have the opportunity to go to chapter camp, I encourage you to because it helped me grow so much. Anonymous
Retreats like this have not gone well for me in the past... As expected, this one didn't start well either...I was questioning why I was there at all. However, through some great teachings as well as great people around me, I stayed and I left knowing without a doubt that I was meant to be there and that God had done a lot of great things in and around me.Anonymous
Recent Ministry Updates
Curt Wilson
Dec 2022
This year-end ministry update includes highlights from the Urbana Missions Conference.
Joel Rodeheaver
Dec 2022
In December I helped staff an incredible missions conference called Urbana.